tisdag 27 mars 2012

Milli Vanilli- such richness

You kind of get that feeling of "thinning ice" when you notice that your mind drifted to the subject of "Milli Vanilli". Then after a visit to Wikipedia, followed by a googling of the real milli vanilli and the "too-ugly-to-be-stars twin-singers leading you to this page. You are way passed the point of no return. But it is not until you find yourself watching a Dutch TV show from 2007 about the washed out musicians that you manage to snap out of it, and this only because the Dutch language is the most horrific sound out there. I think I would prefer hearing Klingon for hours...

There is such a sad story here if you just surf around those pages. And I am not talking about the over dose of R.P. That is just another symptom...