måndag 27 juni 2011


After this weekends celebration of tradition (Midsummer) and the breaking of tradition (Pride) I came to the office ready to work hard. I was soon made aware that we had a meeting with the whole D2C. It was a somewhat interesting affair and to further my happiness no one seemed to be the kind that just had to ask questions for the sake of it. After that it was back to my first project since the design work I did last week was deemed ready and my own project needed my attention. I worked with that for most of the day and just as the clock was getting near that time when you leave for home an emergency in another project landed me the possibility to do something completely different. I got briefed on some mock-ups for a sale that needed to be ready at one o´clock tomorrow. So I dug in to that, and worked until ten downing my first four (4) doughnuts in the process. Interesting work, I´m far from done yet but I think that I can make it in time before lunch tomorrow.
Getting home tonight I found a letter from the the social security administration with my card, yey!

I´m sure there was more thing I should have written here, but it is late and I can´t remember anything more.

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