onsdag 29 juni 2011


So time goes by in a fast paced swirl, and all of a sudden this Wednesday things start to feel like a normal weekday, every day life sort of thing, "vardag" in Swedish.
Not in a bad way though. I still think it is interesting, I'm still surprised every now and then of how things are: not like home and just like home. But I guess I'm beginning to settle in.

Yesterday I played RPG in English for the first time. It was somewhat limiting to the imagination but more so to my extrovert behaviour. But that can also have something to do with not actually knowing anyone around the table and also their strange playing style that was more scene built and almost always ended with some kind of skill check. The Game master, who was good in several ways, knowledgeable, inviting to co-create and with an eye for epic storytelling actually at one point said something like: 'I want it to be quantified by a roll'. Unexpected for me. And also players that argued with the GM. That I have never understood.

Anyway at the office work is progressing. It is kind of hard to know if the things you make are good or bad in the eyes of your bosses. I don´t know them so I can not evaluate the word they use in a context of are the disappointed or not? Probably very Nordic to think like this: I´m very bad, but so are all of you... instead of the American version: You are very good, but so am I... Just read that in a book about Google. I Finn who quit there had the same perspective. Although he was very good...

Rant ends here, just going say that since it is soon 4th of July the American Independence day we will be free half Friday afternoon and both Monday and Tuesday. Apparently we have a new boss in the building and he wants to make a good impression I have been told. He impresses me anyway, I had been told people mostly work here and are seldom on vacation. I think this has been proven wrong to me now.

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