söndag 6 november 2011

last swim

On our way into Nevada we found an abandoned Water-park. Strange place. It was hard to tell how long it had been in the desert; nothing really rots or rusts here everything inanimate just is. It sometimes feels like time does not exist here and that at any point some cowboy from 2 centuries past could ride out of the haze.

The planted trees had died and fallen to the ground, but the palm-trees where still alive. The stone houses, although painted in joyful colours that befit a Water-park stood sombre and silent. Their doors thorn from their hinges and their insides ravished by previous guest: Coke-paper cups, red plastic straws and black fast-food trays littered the inside of the hollow ruins now doomed to never cheer again. Everything covered by a beige dust.

Someone had been using the place as an Air-soft battle ground. White plastic bullets littered the area and inside the house we found used flash-bangs. Pretty cool place to stage a Air-soft fight. Also very inaccessible.

So inaccessible that it did not seem like a wonder that the Water-park had failed. The wonder was rather what made someone put it here? Off the Highway 15, but not exactly at the exit of the Free-way and not really close to anything. Now dead and forgotten. But someone must have paid for all the losses...

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