onsdag 19 oktober 2011

Leaving NY

To catch my 7:25 flight out of Newark in NJ I had to get up before 4. I set my alarm to 3:45. My body, this old machine woke me up at 3:42. Wide awake. Thank you body, you are the best sometimes. Tiered as you might be at this hour especially since I did not go to sleep before midnight I thought, let me rest these last 3 minutes until my alarm goes of. I closed my eyes for what felt like a little to long and 10 minutes passed. No alarm. I checked it and it turns out it was set to repeat on certain days, not today.
Up I went a little late and got dressed, picked up my bags and said by to my flate-mate. Out the door and down the street. According to Google Transit the F-train would pass my station at 4:10. I ran about 50 meters of the street since I felt a bit late and came down in the deserted subway.
At 4:06 the train came in at 4:07 it left. Lucky to be early I started to wonder about the other times and information that Google had provided me with.
At Penn-station they where on the money and I did not have any problem getting to the airport, except buying the wrong ticket as several other passengers. I would like to look at the UI of that machine again. It seems that if three persons make the same mistake at roughly the same time there is a problem with the information flow.
Writing this I am sitting on the airplane about one hour away from Seattle and it is about the most boring flight I ever flew. Looking forward to landing. Someone said that I could look forward to splendid weather these days, and that is most unusual in this city. It remains to be seen.

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