onsdag 12 oktober 2011

Transvestite Bingo at Bowery Poetry Club

Monday was Columbus day and some people where free since it is a National Holiday celebrating when a guy pretended to discover a continent where there were already people and which had been "discovered" by others in this way before which lead to genocide and the forming of this great nation and the hegemony of McD... OK I am rambling but am I lying?
Back to my Monday: after leaving my brother at JFK I went to Jamaica where apparently all the DVD stores are located. It was not very interesting so I went on back to Manhattan and attended a Monday night Bingo with Transvestites. IT was a fairly comedial a affair with a short man-like host who wore a fake moustache and a tall woman like hostess who wore glittery attire. They also had a black servant in police-inspired small clothes. Very colonial. Or not so much.
It was several rounds of bingo with strange prices to win. I actually won the best one: a Bruce Lee poster that is cut in the wrong place. The coolest thing was a drumstick made of papier mache. Who made it and why we where never told, but I could sense there was an untold story there.
We started out as a company of 8, but soon lost all our 4 Norwegians for dinner. Then when the remaining three had a fall out I was suddenly alone with 17 bingo cards. I gave them away like crazy trying to get percentage on the final cash prize but alas the wrong two persons got to split the $ 200. I had to go home with Bruce and without cash. But I had a good time. 

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