fredag 28 oktober 2011

Loathing in Las Vegas

I meet a man in the street, I think it might have been just a block off Main street, not entirely sure, I had just managed to sneak out through the Stratospheres garage.
He was kind of old, did not look to clean and walked with one of those high tech aluminum canes with red coating.
He wanted my help. His teeth disgusted me, but I decided to hear him out and he repeatedly shook my hand as a sign of reassurance and I take it some kind of submission.
I knew he was going to lie me right to the face and I wanted to see how that looked. I wanted to know if I could detect a liar so I just waited for him to finnish his ramp up. So he began: "I am trying to get home…"
He said he was from Wyoming, described the neighboring states. His storytelling was far from to the point but maybe I just was not susceptible to it.
He had just recently gone with his wife to California to bury some family member and their car had broken down. Even though he was well over 60 he claimed he had a new job waiting back home operating heavy machinery. Oh, yes I was well set up, he would take my address and any money I could give him now his wife would send back double the amount with a Christmas greeting to me.
Right there a gamble for me: and no risk, here a man in need of money who surly will repay me as soon as he can, right?
Now I watched the man during his whole speech and there was nothing that should me he was lying in his appearance. He seemed completely truthful.
I than said no to this most profitable proposal and we talked for a minute more when he warned me of the hazard for getting robbed on this very street. And to underscore this very point he related a story of something he had seen: two guys robbing two other just over there and he pointed down the street. And I asked him if this was tonight. No no it was 5 or 6 weeks ago. And then he hurriedly added that he had heard this, since he had not been here THAT long…

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