I have truly been caught in a glitch. I might have been raving over this before, it feels like my whole life revolves around some stinking pay checks, I guess this is how the rat race feels like. Any way the background is that I have been set up with a double reporting system for my time: One used in the department for actual time worked with individual projects and one for the time I get paid for. The interesting part of this is that I will only get paid for 37,5 hours a week so they could really just pay me that without reporting and we would save a lot of extra work but no. This would probably be no problem it is was not for the following chain of reasons: the system for reporting my hours for pay is not used by anyone else in my department including my CD who approves my hours. Further more that system only runs on Explorer! And Explorer demands Windows. Windows is in short supply in the creative department. So nothing is easy.
A few weeks back I tried to get my hours approved and they where, but then as stable as any only-on-Explorer system can be the information was not saved and there for no money was paid.
This means two things except for the obvious one that I don't get my money: First off: It seems the time limit to get my direct deposit in place will run out and I will not get $125 from my bank as was agreed upon. Secondly I will have to dig into the Swedish money pile that will mean that everything will cost more: exchange rates and card usage fees for foreign cards. Sometimes if not always monetary systems suck ass. As well as capitalism as a whole.
I'm caught in the rat race and I can not even get my promised cheese.
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