torsdag 18 augusti 2011

Red Velvet Cake

Yesterday at lunch I got fooled... When we had eaten someone started to talk about cookies and I felt I had some space left for something sweet. And someone else mentioned that they sold pie in the café. To shorten this down we can say this: I happened to eat a piece of red velvet cake for lunch, or more desert but anyway. I am trying to blame my inadequate control mechanism on me exploring a new culture or culturett. The red velvet cake was said to have a unspecified unique taste and here by I let my self be fooled or at least that is the story that I stick to. Something that different must be tried and tasted, that is my defence for eating cake for lunch.
How it was? Why good of course! But really not so unique: it is a red dyed sponge cake and sweetened sour cream. If you have a chance eat it, but you do not have to travel around the world for it or order it from internet...

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