lördag 20 augusti 2011

TV rain

You know sometimes when you watch an American TV-series or even a movie you see a rain that is too quick and to hard to be believable. That is because you never saw anything like that in real life. But now I realise that is just because we are lucky in Sweden. We do not get that kind of rain that starts in less than five minutes and then drenches you with coin sized drops of pouring water. It was truly a New York moment yesterday biking back from work when all of a sudden the sky opened up and what came down was worse than stepping into a shower. Now my phone is probably lost, but I hope that the computer will make it through. I'm not starting it until Monday just in case there is still water inside.
Apart from the adverse effects on my modern technology I really enjoyed that ride! One of the best things was that the pavements got freed up from pedestrians so I could ride on them, a little higher than the flood that was the streets.
For the observant reader it is true: my bike does not sport fenders, so passing through the flooded streets was like taking a reverse shower. And adding to that: my shoes used to be watertight. Even though everyday use of them as well as certain expeditions up on mountaintops has rendered some leaks they still don't really let water through. But when the water comes in through the top hole, the result is a water filled shoe that does not drain. Klofs, Klofs.
Now someone may think that having the bike was bad because otherwise I might have taken the subway home. But that someone did not see the rain and my words are just no adequate to describe it. This was the kind of downpour that stopped the subway. To much ware came down in the subway so it could not be used! Now do you understand what kind of flood I am trying to describe?

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