tisdag 12 juli 2011

At the bottom of the food chain...

I saw a nurse in the subway. How could I tell? She was wearing her nurse uniform. And the I start wondering: if you use your nurses garment going to work does that not defeat the purpose of the special clothes for working in a hospital. I'm thinking cleanliness-issues here. It is actually the second nurse I have seen out and about. But the first time I did not think much of it. But this time it was so clear that she was commuting to work. And while writing this I see another woman looking like she just got out of an operational ward. But then again "fashion" here is a bit different so she just might like that turquoise garment and matches trousers with at hospital t-shirt. What do I know? I'm just doing the observation. You come to your own conclusions.

I'm actually late for work today. It just totally slipped my mind to set the alarm. So I woke up ten minutes to ten with a Design meeting starting at ten. So that got fucked up. I do not have many meetings but it seems that when I have them it is either first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening. Yesterday I had a meeting booked at 5 p.m. but then no one but me showed an I could conclude that they had some other meeting on the manager level because every one of them where gone. So at 6:30 I got a hold of my director and she told me that we would not have the meeting this night. It is not always important with times and letting people know. Or it could be that I am furtherest down on the food chain.

And no it might look like a thought but it is not a revenge. At least not a conscious one.

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