So this week starts with a hot night, and not hot in the sense you would like it to be. No lonely hot. Could hardly sleep. Finally I managed to shut my eyes at 3 in the morning and then I woke up before the clock. How is this possible. I don't know.
Monday meeting at work, from what they tell us things are going well even if there is still disturbances from the big site closure earlier. Well I must say that I listen to that with some interest even though it does not affect my work. It is or was a major event in the world.
Work today was somewhat hampered by time restraints that turned out to be totally useless. But that is the way things goes sometimes. Probably possible to make up for it tomorrow.
Someone asked me about nervousness and it is true at some points I feel quite nervous. Event though someone says something I have done is good I find it hard to fully trust does words meaning just that. And even if they mean good, maybe they where expecting awesome? Pressure is building.
During daytime you sit in a cool office and again I most point out that it is not cool in the sense that you would like it to be but in the old sense of the word. So when you go home at 7 p.m. you leave the building and enter a moist and warm atmosphere: only five steps out on the street your shirt sticks to your back and small beads form in your forehead. You try to look cool, in all the senses making your way to the subway. Then when you get there you step into a wall of even warmer air and as you plumet into it's caress you are embraced by a blanket of air hard to breath and so thick you feel you must cut your way forward with your arms as knifes. The subway and it's air is about the sweatiest places I can imagine even though I have visited Spanish discotheques on the Balliares at 4 in the morning and rode a mule through the Egyptian desert during high noon as well as searched the back streets of Sofia for a strip club with a pool during high summer. No nothing compares to New Yorks subway system. And when I get home one of my flatmates tell me that thus far this summer has been really cool. Not in the sense you would hope to have your summers but in the sense that makes life easier...
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