fredag 15 juli 2011


Stockholm is by some considered a silent city. Still I must say that Tokyo is quieter. NY on the other hand is about as loud as it gets, right up there with Krung Trep. I believe that the silence of Tokyo is technically induced and that it has been a cultural demand to keep the noise down. Although Stockholm has not used the same technology there is a cultural expectation to keep the sound pollution down. Here in NY I can hear that noise reduction has never even been discussed, further more I don't think that it is on the agenda for any US-citizens. I'm guessing that this discussion of loudness and noise have never even been thought of. Why should anyone or anything be silent? Except for the obvious japanese answer that it might disturb others the swedish answer would be that to loud sounds might damage the hearing of the citizens. (I also think that a modern society would grant it's citizens the possibility to choose but that is just me.) I do not think that New Yorkers lend this much thought. If I was to hazard a guess I would say that being proud of being fill in the blank also entails being loud. An example or observation that does not prove but suggest an adaptation to this life is the New York accent: nasal and high pitched, much like the forced voices of early radio. Breaking through any noise.

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