söndag 3 juli 2011

Expat Swedes 1

After my initial 2 weeks here it feels relevant to make a few observations on the Swedes I have meet. Of the ones who have been here for a longer time I notice that they are very much in love with the US of Who gives a shit. They are not very appreciative of Swedish values although they are proud to be Swedish. That is something of a conundrum to me. But I guess this is what can be described as fuzzy logics for the social arena or just plain and simple the human capacity to choose what to include and what to close your eyes to.
And on this theme I must kill a myth that I was cradling myself until yesterday. I thought that Swedish people that moved to NY to work where somewhat cooler and more interesting than normal Swedes. Like my self. ;-)
But yesterday I meet the most boring couple. So very Swedish in every respect that that word can have a negative meaning. At first I did not realize that they where a couple and I just thought that there are a man and a woman of Swedish decent that can´t be much more blend. No that is not fair. The man was more than blend. He was down right irritating while bragging about his job, celebrities that he used to hang out with and so on. Together with the stile: yes you guessed it: office shirt, blue. Middle age-belly to go with that and soccer-player hairdo. Oh yes. And his girlfriend in a dress with colourful floral print to make up for here grey persona. I gave her more than one chance. I gave her about 30 minutes to say something interesting to explain how she could hang out with the bull-boy but I drew blank on that one. 30 minutes of my life that I will never get back.

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