tisdag 20 september 2011

the biking lane... where I walk.

In Central park for instance, or actually that is where this is most specific it is common practise among pedestrians of all sorts to use the biking lane to transport themselves. I might add: slower than your grandmother on her bike from the stone age sometimes. Yes you read me correctly: I am more than a bit frustrated. For the readers who has not visited the park I can tell you that the Park Drive is an one way road with 2 car lanes, a bike track and a walking area sometimes in the form of a sidewalk and sometimes as a extra asphalt road on the side separated by a thin stretch of grass.
Now there are plenty of other walkways in the park that are not open to bikes, but as a rider you have the bike track along the Park Drive. Or so you thought. Some runners, actually most runners think that they run so fast that they should rather run in the biking lane. I might add that I have yet to be run passed by any of the runners in Central Park. Then there are some people out power walking. They also think that they walk about as fast as a bike. And then there are the dog owners who seem to think that their dogs makes them as fast as a bike. And then there are slow fuckers who just do not care that they are not using the walking path, which is usually completely empty. No there is more things going on and people hanging out in the bike lane than anywhere else in the park. I just do not get it.

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