tisdag 13 september 2011

Caught In A Mosh

Yesterday I had got my hands and filthy rock n'roll fingers on tickets to the exceptional free show by Anthrax and friends really close to work. The arena it self is called the Best Buy Theater and looks a bit like a spaceship from the original Star Trek series, and according to hearsay takes about 1500 people, enough said.
Anthrax with Joey Belladona on vocals is a musical catastrophe. He never was a good singer and the as the band played the only song from their most important record it became painfully apparent how far Joeys register is from that of the good old days of John Bush. His own songs Joey managed to deliver somewhat without disgrace, but it was far from a shimmering performance. I did how ever not feel in any way cheated on my time there. I mean even a weak Anthrax is worth a look, especially if you get it free. There where some other features to the gig that made it interesting: Kerry King was acting as waiter, serving the band, those who are allowed to drink, some thing strong in between songs and Phil Anselmo came in and played some base. I missed some of the action on scene though because there was such a commotion going on in the mosh area, several incidents that lead to fist fights. I must say, compared to Nordic standards shows in the US suck in that respect. I really do not see why fighting should be part of a concert, for me the moshing is enough. But there where many angry young men, and even more angry old men with big bellies and gigantism. Or at least several of them where very large. The most interesting part was that one guy who got taken away by the guard after fighting and head butting other hapless men came back in after some first aid.
We can conclude that there was much to see and a gig which left most wishes ungranted. Please do what ever it takes to get John Bush back!

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