onsdag 14 september 2011

Feedback and critique

Today I got my first specific feedback on my blog, pointing out some faults on my part. I expected it to come at some point, I just had not thought that much about it. Except I tried to protect myself against this specific criticism of my language through writing something about this blog being my ramblings and that I sometimes don't even bother reading it back before publishing. What we call "brasklapp" in Swedish. In reality another fault on my part: laziness and fear of critique. So I part words when I write. Now I am trying to stop, but it is hard since there are so many words in the English language that is written apart compared to Swedish. But I shall try to better myself. And I would like to thank my dear old friend for having the courage and set aside the time to help me. I appreciate it, even though you make my life harder! I do not think I just opened up the floodgates for a storm of criticism, but if anyone who reads this feel that I should do something differently, or stop doing something or start doing something. Do not keep it to your self: tell me!

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