onsdag 7 september 2011

Good book!

"That is a good book" she starts, apparently talking to me who just squeezed my bony white ass down beside here on the D-train. Funny thing is that when I left the book in question on my desk at work someone anonymously put a post-it note on the cover of it congratulating me for reading it. Now on my way to work reading the first ten pages and in that time not only discovering one porn-styled sex scene but two I find my self in doubt and also referring to Sidney Sheldon without even having read a word he has written...
Let me tell you how I came to own the book in question. It all started a couple of weeks or a month ago when I visited Rockaway Taco with some friends. We had been trading books among us so I had a handful in my bag when I stumbled up on a trade-shelf where you could either buy books or exchange them one for one. So I gave them my finished Gomorra, (Swedish edition) and picked up this brick-like volume: the Quest by Wilbur Smith.
It is supposed to be a "historical novel" set in the land of the Pharaohs. In reality as far as I can tell it is a fantasy novel set in a time of heroes, as a great struggle between good and evil... (use your most manly voice) AND quite uncalled for sexual descriptions of the type found in "Earth's Children" (a.k.a "Grottbjörnens folk" for all you Swedish people out there).

This story will have to be continued, it is a large book and I have not ventured to far yet.

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