onsdag 14 september 2011

Central Park, I like.

I hear many New Yorkers, and people here visiting express their love for the park. It is such a symbol for the city, such an ambassador for the good of NY. Now, being Swedish, and a naturist I must object to this admiration of the park. It is big, and it is green yes. But it is also dirty in a garbage-everywhere kind of way. And it has cars inside it and it does not have the tranquillity I associate with a green area. Nothing in NY does really.
But I like the park at ten in the evening, when the park way is empty, when I can let my bike go as fast as it was made for, when I can take the curves in the right angle, when it is only me, pedals and the road. That is a NY-moment. And maybe one of the reasons I like to work late.

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