fredag 2 september 2011

the difference

What is the big difference between Sweden and the USA? There are a number of things that could be mentioned in this section, but I am going to boil it down for you dear readers, I have through long studies: 35 years in one of the countries and about 3 months in the other, and add to that countless hours of video studies found the very definition of differences between the royal kingdom of the North, old three crowned Sweden, mythological land of the Vikings on the one hand and the not so democratic republic of the new west, the land of rape and honey, the young and the brave United States of America, mythological land of the now almost extinct proud warriors of the 'injuns.
The difference, and I mean the big difference is... drumroll? No? ok, that the tomato sauce in the baked beans is more red in Sweden?! This is such a big thing. You get the feeling that the more red the tomato sauce is the more strange substances there are in it. Even though tomatoes are red I don't think that they retain that colour after being butchered and boiled to a sauce to put the beans in. And further more my preconceptions are that Swedish food consists of less extras and strange stuff.
The observations made with the baked beans is there fore a most crucial one: it must mean one or more of several things: 1. Tomatoes could actually be more red in another climate. Studies in the vegetable and fruit section contradicts this. 2. There are more extras and strange stuff in Swedish food than in American. If this is true then Sweden is truly lost because the stuff they put in the food here is horrifying. 3. Colour perception could differ in different places of the world, studies from old analogue camera film support this claim. 4. I am dead wrong: tomatoes without extras makes a more red sauce. I would not be all that surprised actually...

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